

“Maroochydore is already the commercial heart of the entire region.”


SunCentral the new $430 million town centre of Maroochydore will become the hear of Queensland’s stunning Sunshine Coast

Planned to be a thriving hub for commerce, technology, innovation, entertainment and inner-city living being a major employment hub

The new 53 hectare central business district under construction includes :

  • More tan 15 hectares of natural beauty with waterways, parks and plazas
  • 150,000 sq/m prime commercial GFA
  • Entertainment, convention and exhibition facilities
  • 2,000 residential apartments
  • 65,000 sq/m retail and dining facilities

SunCentral is a unique and exciting opportunity for investors seeking a brand new CBD location in one of Australia’s fastest growing regions. With its world-class design and carefully selected building mix, this master-planned CBD is designed on functionality and to look absolutely fantastic. If you’re considering investing in property on the Sunshine Coast, the good news doesn’t stop there

Did you know that the Sunshine Coast Population is set to rise to 550,000 in 23 years requiring over 100,000 new dwellings to be built?


The Sunshine Coast has a clear 20 year Economic Blueprint and vision to build a high-value economy of choice for business, investment and employment, on the back of strong economic foundations and valuable capital assets. Plus highest investment into infrastructure by both Government and Industry in the history of Australia creating thousands of new jobs today and well into the future = your investment opportunity.

Government Investment + Industry Investment + Increased Job availability & depth + new industry Employment Opportunity;  forcing Population Growth which places upward pressure on demand for property to own or rent, resulting in Capital Growth + above average Rental Yields and below average vacancy rates through the Delivery of new Infrastructure.

… and Sunshine Coast has all the fundamentals firmly in place now and well into the future !



Fast Facts – Maroochydore CBD SunCentral


SunCentral Maroochydore Pty Ltd was established by the Sunshine Coast Council in March 2015.
• The 53-hectare site was declared a Priority Development Area by the State Government in July 2013.
• The Council established SunCentral Maroochydore Pty Ltd to oversee development of the site.
• The new city centre is needed to meet the demands of Australia’s fastest growing region.
• It is located 10 minutes from Sunshine Coast Airport.

This $430 million dollar CBD is beginning to take shape with the first streets in place and the first buildings beginning to rise from the ground


An enhanced city centre means an enhanced city lifestyle and Maroochydore’s new CBD will be no exception

Gorgeous waterways, new dining and entertainment venues, public plazas, beautiful parks, and exclusive retail precincts represent just a handful of the lifestyle features local residents and workers will enjoy in Maroochydore

As these features attract more and more people to the CBD, it can only be good news for investors, with the lifestyle draw card helping to ensure healthy rental returns and rental demand for your Maroochydore investment property

Economic and employment benefits

Explicitly planned as a commercial hub, the Maroochydore CBD is set to welcome a number of businesses and employers to the region.

Many employers, including the Sunshine Coast City Council, are already planning to operate from the revitalised city centre. Add in new employers and it’s clear employment opportunities will increase. It’s well known that burgeoning employment is great news for investors. After all, employment means population growth and population growth means increased demand for owners and renters resulting in better rental yields and occupancy for you

• Creating 15,000 jobs by 2025 and more than 30,000 jobs by 2040.
• Expected to value add more than $350 million to the state’s economy in the next five years.
• Will provide an estimated $4.4 billion boost to the Sunshine Coast economy over the life of the project.
• Project expected to provide an estimated $5.9 billion boost to the Queensland economy.

Urban design

Prime commercial office space, exclusive retail, exhibition, convention and entertainment facilities, a premium hotel and recreational spaces.
• Approximately 40 per cent of the site will be parks, plazas and waterways.
• A rail corridor into Maroochydore is already designated by the State Government.
• Potential for light rail to connect Caloundra, Kawana and Mooloolaba with Maroochydore’s new CBD.
• 150,000m2 commercial gross floor area, 65,000m2 retail gross floor area and 2000 residential apartments.

Technology and environmental sustainability

High speed fiber optic digital connections.
• A range of ‘smart city’ innovations such as smart lighting and signage and technology that assists parking, traffic management and provides real time information for public transport.
• Australia’s first CBD-wide automated underground waste collection system.
• Environmentally sustainable building design.

KPMG demographer Bernard Salt predicted national technology, construction and professional services companies would have head offices on the Sunshine Coast by 2040, driving business visitation to the region.


There are $Billions of reasons why you would want to add an Investment Property on the Sunshine Coast into your portfolio read more here


Residential Property

Population Growth on the back of new job creation and lifestyle will place upward pressure on supply of property for ownership and renting. This fundamental more often than not increases the capital value of your property investment and also results in higher rental yields and thus improved cash flow for you. We can offer you a wide array of investment property keeping in mind that not all property is investor grade!

For House and Land, Townhouse or Apartment inquiries complete the form below and we will share with you sound investment opportunities in Maroochydore, Kawana, Birtinya, Peregian Springs, Bli Bli, Aura, Sippy Downs, Palmwoods, SunCentral or anywhere else you prefer on the Sunshine Coast


News Updates

Property developer John Holland is poised to strike a $200m deal for five super-lots totaling 14 hectares in the new city centre

Airport expansion planned to cater for an estimated 2 million passengers flying into the region

Hotel on the cards with SunCentral Maroochydore, the company established to oversee design and delivery of the new Maroochydore CBD, has been in negotiations with several hotel groups since Expressions of Interest for the core commercial precincts opened

The new $927 million submarine broadband cable project has just been approved resulting in further investment into the area, much faster internet connectivity which will attract business suited to the vast improvement of internet services


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